Sunday 20 September 2009

Mooncake and Gain Weight

This holiday i plan to gain weight( i always say tat, but never success) , tis time really want to become fat la... This sem break i really want to eat a lot,i ate difference type of mooncake like tiramisu, toffee chocolate walnut brownie.. I really cannot accept this favour of mooncake, i like to eat tiramisu cake but not mooncake ! Although it is not tasty but it is very 'fat' , 1/8 piece have 81kcal ad, haha... easy to achieve my target... haha... i hope tis time i wont giv up la... eat more and more... This few day i only eat n sleep i hope i can become fat ... hehe..

Btw, in the early morning i emo because of ' engaged' this word.. but after i woke up i feel ok ad maybe i already accept it and i shouldn't think abt tat anymore...

Thursday 17 September 2009

Sem Break.

终于考完试了,总算可以摆脱考试的压力了. 考试的这段时间真的很累,因为我们只有一两天的时间来准备, 再加上我们早上和下午都要考,真的很辛苦..
Advanced Diploma 真的很难,我第一次感觉到我会fail, 可是我身边的人都不相信我会这样.. Haiz.. 我想可能只有读 CB的人才会明白。。考完试后我跟朋友去1U走走放松心情还有顺便帮 fucheng庆祝生日. 其实考完试后,其实我有点累因为连续好几天我只是睡三个小时(我脸上有好多痘痘),可以我还是给fu cheng 面子跟他唱k到早上4点(认识我的朋友都知道我不喜欢唱k〕 ,可见我对你是多么的好..哈哈..你还诅咒我!!!过后下午我陪我roomate 去 pavilion ts.
在sg. wang巧遇chiply 和ken heo..我走了一整天我已经超累了连走路也会随时睡着,可是我roomate还很想继续走,她真的很恐怖..还以为回到家就可以睡到自然醒,谁知道隔天一早就被我姐吵醒..我到mv陪她看了,「东邪西就之终极版』原本还以为是喜剧谁知道..
